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6/16/2005 9:00 AM
We manufacture thermocouples and an agent has a request for a thermocouple with thermowell. The conditions he passed along are vague (I am working on getting more information). What I do have is 2000F with sulfuric acid and hydrogen sulfide. I don’t know the concentrations or the process at this time other than it is in a refinery and the “vessel” is ceramic lined. The agent thought they might be burning off the sulfuric acid. Any place to start would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Scott
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6/22/2005 9:00 AM
Scott... I do not think that a thermowell made of metal can be used at 2000 F........especially under these agressive conditions. As a preliminary place to start your evaluation, consider the research that has been done on superheater boiler tube materials on an equally aggressive environ.....the inside of a boiler. A review of the conclusions of this paper show that significant wastage occurs at 1200-1400F for a select group of high temperature materials Come back with your thoughts..... MJC
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6/24/2005 9:00 AM
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jun-24-05 AT 07:35 AM (CDT)]Scott From your description I suppose that the equipment you are speaking about is a sulphur incinerator or a sulphur waste boiler. Stem thermo well normally used in those applications at 1093ºC are made of stainless steel TP310. Regards Luis Marques
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6/24/2005 9:00 AM
Scott Hastelloy X and Haynes Alloy 556 and Haynes Alloy HR 160 could be better than TP 310 as thermowell material for your service duties . They have excellenct resistance, under oxidizing, suplphizing and a part of carburizing atmosphere or in neutral atmospheres. Trust this is of help to you C.V.Srinivasan Nishi Engineers Pvt Ltd Chennai India June 25 E-mail: >Scott >From your description I suppose that the equipment you are >speaking about is a sulphur incinerator or a sulphur waste >boiler. Stem thermo well normally used in those applications >at 1093ºC are made of stainless steel TP310. > >Regards > >Luis Marques
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7/15/2005 9:00 AM
Lots of good comments. These wells are custom designed; there are no pat answers.
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