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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...A-286 Chloride SCC ResistanceA-286 Chloride SCC Resistance
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7/26/2005 9:00 AM
I was wondering if anyone would provide me with references in regard to the chloride SCC resistance of A-286. The bolting would be used in a costal enviroment. We currently are using 17-4PH which has had good service since 1992. All the reference material I currently have deals with the SCC of A-286 in borated water. I would appriciate any suggestions.
New Post
7/29/2005 9:00 AM
Pyromet A 286 (K66286) is typically a material for use for high temperature service as fasteners due to its superior oxidation resistance. It has got minimum PREN No. as 16.8 and due to such low PREN value it has got susceptibility to be pitted in sea water. In principle Ni-Cu alloys are best suitable for sea water/ coastal service as Ni-Cu alloy 400 which is excellent corrosion resistant and virtually immune to Chloride SCC and has relatively excellent formability/ headability
New Post
8/4/2005 9:00 AM
>Pyromet A 286 (K66286) is typically a material for use for >high temperature service as fasteners due to its superior >oxidation resistance. It has got minimum PREN No. as 16.8 >and due to such low PREN value it has got susceptibility to >be pitted in sea water. In principle Ni-Cu alloys are best >suitable for sea water/ coastal service as Ni-Cu alloy 400 >which is excellent corrosion resistant and virtually immune >to Chloride SCC and has relatively excellent formability/ >headability %5C Thanks for the reply. A-286 bolting will not be used in sea water. Just in an area on the coast. I was just looking for whether or not A-286 had better or worse SCC resistance to chlorides compared to 17-4PH. If it had equivalent resistance or better, which references would I be able to buy. Thanks, Chris
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...A-286 Chloride SCC ResistanceA-286 Chloride SCC Resistance



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