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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...Corrosion effect of Ammonia Liquid contaminated with caCorrosion effect of Ammonia Liquid contaminated with ca
New Post
11/10/2005 9:00 AM
1) I'm from fertilizer plant business and for the past 5 years our ammonia booster pump is facing carbamate solution carry over problem normally during start up and recently it had caused the pump casing (material carbon steel) to have internal cracks. 2) Is carbon steel material sensitive to Carbamate Solution and will Stainless Steel material(SS316) solve the problem ? 3) When carry over occured we normally clean the pump suction strainer with water on line. Is water combined with ammonia liquid could damage the Carbon Steel casing (is it highly corrosive) ? Thank You
New Post
11/10/2005 9:00 AM
Ahadiat Carbon steel is not suitred for ammonium carbamate service. Even dilute ammonium carbamate will affect C.S. S.S 316 L / S.S 317 L or Sandvik 2 RE 69 material would stand ammonium carbamate corrosion. For very dilute ammonium carbamate - even S.S 304 L will do. You have to think of carry over of carbamate solution to the ammonia booster pump. You can possibly think of S.S 316 L line and a NRV (Non return valve) of S.S. 316 L to provent carry over ammonium carbamate solution entering the ammonia booster pump. Trust this is of help to you C.V.Srinivasan Nishi Engineers Pvt Ltd India Nov 11,2005 >1) I'm from fertilizer plant business and for the past 5 >years our ammonia booster pump is facing carbamate solution >carry over problem normally during start up and recently it >had caused the pump casing (material carbon steel) to have >internal cracks. > >2) Is carbon steel material sensitive to Carbamate Solution >and will Stainless Steel material(SS316) solve the problem ? > >3) When carry over occured we normally clean the pump >suction strainer with water on line. Is water combined with >ammonia liquid could damage the Carbon Steel casing (is it >highly corrosive) ? > >Thank You
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...Corrosion effect of Ammonia Liquid contaminated with caCorrosion effect of Ammonia Liquid contaminated with ca



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