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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
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3/8/2009 9:00 AM
Hi, We have a Den Exit fan installed in super phosphate plant, the impeller is made in SANICRO 28 and has a limited life due to very aggresive corrosive medium. It contains 1% Fluosilicic acid, and approx 0.2% hydrofluoric acid. Air temperature would be in the range of 40 - 55C. Can anyone suggest what is the best material for this application for fabricated impeller which uses 6mm thick plates. There are small amount of silica in the medium which causes erosion as well in leading edge of the blades. regards regards
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3/9/2009 9:00 AM
Bigpond In Phos acid service, Hydrofluorosilic acid concentration can vary and this could affect Sanicro 28 under abrasive conditions. This may be the cause for erosion of blade tips of Sanicro 28. You could try: Alloy 20 (Carpenter 20 Cb3) quite successful for such application, 904hMo(Avesta 254 SMO), 904 L (Uranus 904 L , Sandvik 2 RK 65), Alloy C 276 (Hastelloy C 276), Alloy 625 (Inconel 625), 255 (Ferralium). Names given in bracket are Trade name for the particular alloy mostly used successfully in Phos Acid service by industry. You could also try Airco E-Brite 26-1 which is vacuum melted ferritic-austenitic grade which can stand good abrasion and corrosion resistance in Phos Acid service. Hope this helps C.V.Srinivasan Nishi Engineers Pvt Ltd India March 10, 2009 E-mail: >Hi, > >We have a Den Exit fan installed in super phosphate plant, >the impeller is made in SANICRO 28 and has a limited life >due to very aggresive corrosive medium. It contains 1% >Fluosilicic acid, and approx 0.2% hydrofluoric acid. Air >temperature would be in the range of 40 - 55C. Can anyone >suggest what is the best material for this application for >fabricated impeller which uses 6mm thick plates. >There are small amount of silica in the medium which causes >erosion as well in leading edge of the blades. >regards > >regards
New Post
3/11/2009 9:00 AM
Many thanks, this was really helpful, just on that, the original material of constrcution was 2RK65 which was later upgarded to Sanicro 28. regards
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