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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...Tank hydrotestTank hydrotest
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12/18/2005 9:00 AM
Hi Please we are using sea water as hydrotest media at the Tank. The sea water remain for more than one month. The sea water not trested so, it is OK or need to be treated or stop it. The Tank shell is not coated. the Tank is carbon steel Tank. Thanks David
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12/18/2005 9:00 AM
Dear David, First of all it is not a very prudent idea of hydrotesing the tank with the sea water. The next desastrous thing which you have mentioned is leaving the sea water in the tank for more than one month. Another bad aspect is that tank is not coated. Under the following situations the Tank would be subjected to very degree of risk by the pitting type corrosion because of following reasons. 1. High Chloride content in sea water 2. stagnancy 3. Presence of Oxygen ( as the Tank will be open to atmospheric conditions) As a remedial measure please drain out the sea water and check for the pitting type corrosion. Let us have your feed back on your observations. Regards, Shabbar Hussain Refinery Corroson Engineer
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12/22/2005 9:00 AM
"david" Come back with your response on your final disposition of the "sea water" tank....... Was the tank inspected then destroyed ? Has the person who authorized the filling (an upper level manager....I assume) found a way to blame someone below him ? Please.......more details... Where is/was this tank and was it made of carbon steel ? -MJC
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12/25/2005 9:00 AM
Actually we found no affect I don’t know must there is a corrosion at shell but, it seem to me it is old practice and accepted
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