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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...Problems in HOT OIL system in gas plantProblems in HOT OIL system in gas plant
New Post
3/15/2006 9:00 AM
Dear Friends, Hope there are lot of our friends here working for Gas proccesing plants. Most of the Gas proccessing plants use "HOT OIL" as the gas absorbing media as well as the heating media. Has any of you experience errosion of Heater coils and Heat exchanger tubes internally in Hot Oil System ? We have experienced heavy particulate matter in the hot oil stream and erosion of tubes internally. If any of you aware of the subject please reply. Mahinda
New Post
4/9/2006 9:00 AM
We are using refrigerated lean oil for absorption of NGLs. This lean oil is part of hot oil system. It appears gas is carrying some amount of black particulates.The gas when in contact with lean oil gets srubbed and black particulates mostly moves with lean oil which join the main stream to heater through Rich Oil Still. This black pariculates if not removed effectively can cause errosion and corrosion in the heater tubes. Please describe your system so that we can share the information we have with us. Get your paticultes analysed. How long you have been experiencing this problem.
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...Problems in HOT OIL system in gas plantProblems in HOT OIL system in gas plant



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