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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...boiler superheater cracks found during repairing of cleboiler superheater cracks found during repairing of cle
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5/15/2006 9:00 AM
In my captive power plant there are some cracks observed at several locations called as cleats. the cleat is the portion which gies the structual support to the superheater tubes. The base material of tube is BS3059 Pt 2 Gr 762 S2. Max operating temperature is 100 deg C. Support cleat material is A297 Gr HH (25% Cr, 12 % Ni). We found during repairing of the cleat weld, the parent tube may subject to cracking resulting into further aggreviation of problem. Guide about the proper weld procedure with proper PQR, WPS, Alloy, Heat Treatment.
New Post
5/23/2006 9:00 AM
Dear Patel, For a maximum operating temperature 100C the selection of such hi-fi MOC like 762 or your cleat MOC is probably not convincing design or rather overdesigned. I would like to know from your designer why such upgraded MOC is applied ? Pl. let me know what WPS you have earlier followed ? Now, as you have observed cracks on Tube-to-cleat suport weld first check it with WFDP and gouge out all these. Also check the Tube areas. --> Take a stock of Hardness values --> If anyhow you get a higher hardness values over 22 HRc use a coil preheat of 150C --> Use a high Ni filer like INCO 625 or if not ER 310 by M.TIG process. --> Post weld WFDP --> wiser to do a Hydrotest to confirm. Hope this will be of some help. regards & Revert . D.Mitra Inspection Dept. HPL
New Post
6/13/2006 9:00 AM
magush patel, You have a boiler with superheater tubes operating at 100 degrees C? Did you miss a digit or make a mistake in the temperature ?? -MJC
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...boiler superheater cracks found during repairing of cleboiler superheater cracks found during repairing of cle



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