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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co..."selection of copoun position""selection of copoun position"
New Post
10/28/2006 9:00 AM
Hi dear engineers We have facilities includ seprator, dehydrator and desalter on a platform.we have HCl arrising hydrolyses of salts after heating of crude. as a solution NaOH injects. now i want know where is best position for install corrosion copouns, corrosion monitoring probs, pH controlers, inhibitor injection pumps? also what kind of inhibitor do you prefer to use?
New Post
10/29/2006 9:00 AM
Ali: The locoation of corrosion coupons requires detailed knowledge of the process, piping/equipment design, flow, etc. in other words, selection the specific location for coupons cannot be done well in the context of a discussion forum. Gereral locations could be described; however, that may give rise to misleading CR information. David Hendrix The Hendrix Group Inc.
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co..."selection of copoun position""selection of copoun position"



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