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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
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6/20/2007 9:00 AM
In one of the storage tank roof PV valve the manufacturer mentioned vacuum unit as .26 OZ. I want to covert it into mmWC.I would like to know the coversion or equivalant of OZ to MMWC. Regards,
New Post
6/20/2007 9:00 AM
Krish One Oz/in2 = 43.986 mm WC or 3.232 mmHg or 4.31mBar 0.26 Oz/in2=11.436 mm WC or 0.84 mm Hg or 1.1206 mBar Trust this helps you C.V.Srinivasan Nishi Engineers Pvt Ltd India June 21,2007 E-mail: >In one of the storage tank roof PV valve the manufacturer >mentioned vacuum unit as .26 OZ. I want to covert it into >mmWC.I would like to know the coversion or equivalant of OZ >to MMWC. > >Regards,
New Post
6/20/2007 9:00 AM
Thanks Mr.Srinivisan for the prompt reply.
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