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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...Material to be used for Shell,Roof,Bottom for storage tMaterial to be used for Shell,Roof,Bottom for storage t
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9/3/2010 9:00 AM
Dear Experts, This has always been a problem for me to decide material to be used for tanks when it is used for a service where sulphur is content in various wt %. My querry is:- Temp , Pressure plays an important role in selection of plate material to be used for above mentioned service.Mostly for above services A516 Gr materials are used. 1) Can i get some information up to what temp, press, %age Wt. of sulphur content one can use A36 material? 2) What other materials to be used for such services suggesting temp,pressure & %age Wt. range of sulphur content range for those mentioned materials? 3) Presently i have to design oil tanks with sulphur content 3.5%Wt.,temp up to 93 deg. cel. & pressure atm.Can i use A36 material ? Eagerly waiting for your valuable suggestions. Ashish Pande Design Engg Tanks Mtech-Thermal Engg Nagpur-India:-)
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