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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...Galvanic Corrosion between A356 Aluminum Alloy and RTV,Galvanic Corrosion between A356 Aluminum Alloy and RTV,
New Post
8/26/2004 9:00 AM
Folks, Your expert advise is needed: We have a small section of Aluminum A356 Alloy, which is pre-treated and clear coated with a powder acrylic clear. This product then goes for a cladding process in which a plastic cap that is electrolytically chrome plated is glued over with a specifc RTV. Once the product is finished a small portion of the machined clear coated area is exposed very close to the chrome plated plastic cover. We are having a significant corrosion problems on the machined clear coated area in a random, spotty format. SEM analysis shows that the corrsion is under the clear coated layer where the clear coat layer is intact. The corrosion spots are brownish and round in color and shape. The sem found Chloride presence in the corrosion sites also. Do you think that there is a galvanic corrosion happening between the chrome, RTV and Aluminum? or if chloride is reacting with a moisture since clear coat is permeable? I appreciate your advise! Thanks Syed.
New Post
8/28/2004 9:00 AM
Syed: We suspect that your problems relate both to the galvanic cell you are setting up between the aluminum and the chrome plated cap and chloride-induced corrosion of the aluminum due to the non-protective nature of the thin (and probablay non-continuous) acrylic coating. Hope this helps! David Hendrix The Hendrix Group Inc.
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...Galvanic Corrosion between A356 Aluminum Alloy and RTV,Galvanic Corrosion between A356 Aluminum Alloy and RTV,



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