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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...HIC TestingHIC Testing
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10/12/2004 9:00 AM
For pressure containing materials in wet H2S service required to comply with NACE MR0175 and with HIC Testing, is HIC testing applicable to all materials or normally just Carbon Steels? In other words, is it appropriate to require HIC testing for say Duplex or Super Duplex stainless steel or Hastelloy C-276?
New Post
10/12/2004 9:00 AM
What is HIC testing ??? Any websites or ASTM references that you can give me ? MJC
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10/12/2004 9:00 AM
Jerry: HIC (hydrogen induced cracking) testing should not be required for non-ferrous alloys as they are sufficiently corrosion resistant to prevent atomic hydrogen absorption into the metal. Please note that NACE MR0175 has been superceeded by ISO 15156. Hope this helps! David Hendrix The Hendrix Group Inc.
New Post
10/20/2004 9:00 AM
Thank you David. That was our though though we have had a Korean customer insisting we apply HIC testing to all materials o the project I am dealing with, even for materials for instruments etc. Reassuring to know we are right. Thanks.
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