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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...Guidance on Inspection, Maintenance and Repair of ProceGuidance on Inspection, Maintenance and Repair of Proce
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3/29/2005 9:00 AM
I am looking for any other risk based guidelines other than EEMUA Publication # 159 that will provide direction on the inspection, maintenance and repair of process tanks. EEMUA Pub 159 was structured around low/no pressure storage tanks and whilst the principles are applicable, there are process condition practicalities that are not addressed in EEMUA Pub 159 which I am facing. The process conditions in these tanks include caustic and alumina slurry and constant agitator movement and these tanks are rarely taken off-line.
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3/29/2005 9:00 AM
The website for those interested in EEMUA Standards is: I assume that you are familiar with the US Standard for tank inpection/evaluation API-653 ? MJC
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3/29/2005 9:00 AM
ALim EEMUA # 159 is User's guide for inspection, maintenance and repair combining both BS / API codes for tanks. User's guide - generally- applies to many applications . User's guide will not look into specific process and specific process related problems. This user guide is mostly a recommendatory practice guideline for the user to adopt or decide for the process conditions. If you have more tanks in the same process and you would like to inspect (first), and then repair and maintain the choice is for you to decide. Emptying the tank and inspect the tank is the best. if you do not wish to empty the tank but would like to go by EEMUA or API or BS code specifications and then come up with a question that the code had not given specific guideline for inspection or repair for a particualr process, it is not a correct engineering approach- in my opinion. No code or user's guide will give postponing of inspection and repair or maintenance for your decision to postpone inspection or repair. Taking guidance from the code use and practicalities is left to you to decide. If you seriously expect major or minor corrosion problem in your tanks - becaue you have both caustic and aluminar sluury with agitation , you have to your plant personnel insist on inspecting the tank bottom plates, sides also carefully from ensuring that the tank is not affected or degraded badly. RBI approach for such tanks will be to inspect first and then decide on repair ang maintenance after the first tank is inspected. Trust this helps you in your problem C.V.Srinivasan Nishi Engineers Pvt Ltd Chennai India March 30 >The website for those interested in EEMUA Standards is: > > > >I assume that you are familiar with the US Standard for tank >inpection/evaluation API-653 ? > >MJC
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...Guidance on Inspection, Maintenance and Repair of ProceGuidance on Inspection, Maintenance and Repair of Proce



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