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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...Zamak 5 corrosionZamak 5 corrosion
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7/22/2005 9:00 AM
Hi! I have a question concerning zamak 5 alloys: If I have two zamak 5 components in contact with each other should any corrosion problem be expected? I heard some coments about not using two zamak parts in contact due to corrosion problems. Thanks in advance for the help.
New Post
7/23/2005 9:00 AM
Filipe: We would not expect any galvanic corrosion from two Zamak 5 alloys in contact with other due to their equivalent composition. You would have to be more specific regarding your corrosion concerns with situations other than galvanic coupling. David Hendrix The Hendrix Group Inc.
New Post
7/26/2005 9:00 AM
ZAMAK 5 zinc based die casting will not be subjected to contact or galvanic corrosion and it has got inherently improved corrosion resistant properties. But in some cases white rust is evidence that corrosion has occurred, usually in a moist environment with either acid or alkali materials present. Die-castings should be dried before being stored but a common cause is "sweating" or condensation, with sudden temperature changes. The use of paper or cardboard packaging greatly increases the effect since these materials contain acid and they hold the moisture in too. Open wire mesh containers with plastic separators work best by allowing circulation of air around the parts. The use of vapor phase inhibitor wrappings as done in corrosion coupon packing is also recommended.
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...Zamak 5 corrosionZamak 5 corrosion



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