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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...Survey of Cathodic Protection TechnologiesSurvey of Cathodic Protection Technologies
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11/25/2008 9:00 AM
Dear friends, We are conducting this brief survey as part of a research project sponsored by the Oregon Department of Transportation, entitled %E2%80%9CReplacing Thermal Sprayed Zinc Anodes on Cathodically Protected Steel Reinforced Concrete Bridges%E2%80%9D. Click here to participate: (Also feel free to forward this to other CP professionals). Thank you in advance for participating! Please note that the information you provide will be synthesized to document the state of the practice and the state of the art regarding the use of cathodic protection (CP) technologies in protecting infrastructure and other assets. Have a great Thanksgiving! Sincerely, Xianming Xianming Shi, PhD, PE Associate Research Professor, Civil Engineering %7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E%7E P.I., Corrosion and Sustainable Infrastructure Lab. Program Manager, Winter Maintenance & Effects Western Transportation Institute (WTI) Montana State University P.O. Box 174250, Bozeman, MT 59717-4250 Phone: (406) 994-6486 * Fax: (406) 994-1697 Durability is a cornerstone of sustainability
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...Survey of Cathodic Protection TechnologiesSurvey of Cathodic Protection Technologies



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