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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...Integranular cracking in SS304Integranular cracking in SS304
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8/10/2010 9:00 AM
I have got a SS 304 seamless tubing used as boot coils of melters and sepaators of sulfur recovery unit. There is pinhole leakage. On investigation it is seen that there is intergranular cracks even in unused tube. Is there any possibility of manufacturing defect .
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8/13/2010 9:00 AM
Maushumi 13 S.S 304 seamless tube - though resistant for sulphur recovery units at low temperature of operation -is quite likely subject to vapor attack (possibility in sulphur recovery units) Please check if tubes were supplied as seamless as some manufacturers or dealers supply seamless tubes at ends and at middle segments ERW tubes to cut costs. Seamless tube if supplied may not have manufacturing defect. Seamless S S 304 is susceptible for vapor sulphide attack if unit had been idle for some time in such coils in sulphur recovery units. Hope this helps C.V.Srinivasan Nishi Engineers Pvt Ltd India August 14, 2010 E-mail: >I have got a SS 304 seamless tubing used as boot coils of >melters and sepaators of sulfur recovery unit. There is >pinhole leakage. On investigation it is seen that there is >intergranular cracks even in unused tube. Is there any >possibility of manufacturing defect .
New Post
8/27/2010 9:00 AM
As Mr.Srinivasan correctly pointed out sulphur vapor condensation will leads to corrosion of SS304 material and the best suitable material for such application is SS316L. If you store ASS material especially SS304 in the open yard there could be a possibility of atmosphereic corrosion due to high chloride/SO2. regards,
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...Integranular cracking in SS304Integranular cracking in SS304



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