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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...Two-Stages condensation corrosion in CDUTwo-Stages condensation corrosion in CDU
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8/29/2005 9:00 AM
We operate a CDU with Mid-East Crude sulfur content of 1.9%. Our CDU is a two-stages condensation design. Crude oil exchange heat with overhead vapor in the first-stage condenser. The material used for the condenser is CS. We encounter severe corrosion in the first-stage condenser. The life time of the first-stage condenser is only 1%7E2 years. We inject Corrosion Inhibitor upstream of the condenser. We do not inject wash water for the condenser as the overhead temperature of crude tower is 155C. We found deposit accumulated on the external surface of the tube bundle. We have heard that two-stages condensation has severe corrosion problem. Which refinery has the same design and face the same problem as us. How to solve the problem?
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8/30/2005 9:00 AM
To minimize your corrosion problems you should kept your Ph, in the range 5.5 to 6.5. If you are using ammonia as a Ph neutralizer, try to change to an Amine neutralizer. Check the quill condition of your corrosion inhibitor injection point. Check the deposit composition of external surfaces of your bundle. Perform an antifouling program. Consider making a material upgrade of your C.S condenser tubes. Contact a corrosion consultant to assist you on these matters, finally contact the unit licensor to have feedback from other similar units and ponder with the licensor a future revamping design for your system. Regards Luis Marques
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8/30/2005 9:00 AM
Hi To control the corrosion at carbon steel condenser you chose to consider wash water injection two hours in a weekat the unit condenser. Also, in some refinery they use insert tube to prevent corrosion at the inlet of the condenser. The Maine key is the condensation here especially at the inlet of the condenser. Actually it seems to me your corrosion inhibitor is not working could you tell us about the crude unit through out put. I f you are running the crude unit overhead line at 90 ft/s or above the corrosion problem will not be stopped and never been controlled. Wondering if I inject corrosion inhibitor + neutralizer +wash water caustic injection why crude unit still suffering a corrosion problem. Your problem is a operation problem and the erosion is exited at your system if you eliminate it your system will be worked fine. Mark
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8/31/2005 9:00 AM
The capacity of the CDU in this refinery is 150,000 bpsd. The overhead line size is 48", we calculate the velocity to be less than 90 ft/s. Please note that the top temperature of the crude tower is 155C, How can we inject water to the overhead line without disturbing the tower operating pressure? We do inject wash water to the inlet of the air cooler(second-stage condenser) as the temperature there is 118C. We do not have problem with air cooler in our CDU.
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12/8/2006 9:00 AM
Hello friend, Two-stage overhead system is an old design, and it seems to be not very happy one. I've red in one Norm Lieberman's article that amine salts continuous trapping and accumulation in such systems is a common problem - causing severe corrosion issues. He recommends switching to one-stage overhead system. One thing I can say for sure: low quality and poor control of chemical injections is as bad as injecting no chemical at all. Make sure you have proper installation - good quality dozing pumps, frequently controlled dosing rate (which means adequate process parameters control). "Power is nothing without control", remember?
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...Two-Stages condensation corrosion in CDUTwo-Stages condensation corrosion in CDU



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