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Discussion Forums - The Hendrix Group
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...Poor tube to tubesheet weld appearancePoor tube to tubesheet weld appearance
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10/18/2004 9:00 AM
Hello, We have observed the tube to tubesheet welds (made using 0.6 mm dia ERNiCr-3 wires by auto GTAW process) having very poor appearance (blackish) in one of our jobs. The tubes are Incoloy 800 and the tubesheet (DIN 20MnMoNi55, low alloy steel) is overlaid using ERNiCr-3 (Soudotape NiCr3Q5) strip and Esab OK10.16 Flux by submerged arc stripcladding process. The overlay thickness is about 8.5 mm. After overlay, the tubesheet is subjected to a PWHT at 620 deg C for 40 hrs. We have noted that such a poor weld apperance is not observed when the tube to tubesheet welding is performed in the as-welded condition (without PWHT). Request your valuable comments
New Post
2/5/2005 9:00 AM
Please inform me the following. a. Tube Chemical Analysis b. Filler Wire Chemical Analysis c. Overlay Chemical Analysis where TTS welding is carried out. Bye Jones >Hello, > >We have observed the tube to tubesheet welds (made using 0.6 >mm dia ERNiCr-3 wires by auto GTAW process) having very poor >appearance (blackish) in one of our jobs. The tubes are >Incoloy 800 and the tubesheet (DIN 20MnMoNi55, low alloy >steel) is overlaid using ERNiCr-3 (Soudotape NiCr3Q5) strip >and Esab OK10.16 Flux by submerged arc stripcladding >process. The overlay thickness is about 8.5 mm. After >overlay, the tubesheet is subjected to a PWHT at 620 deg C >for 40 hrs. > >We have noted that such a poor weld apperance is not >observed when the tube to tubesheet welding is performed in >the as-welded condition (without PWHT). > >Request your valuable comments
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsGeneral Corrosi...General Corrosi...Poor tube to tubesheet weld appearancePoor tube to tubesheet weld appearance



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