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HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...Inspection of ASTM A608-HP  N6 Reformer Tubes.Inspection of ASTM A608-HP N6 Reformer Tubes.
New Post
11/5/2005 9:00 AM
Dear Mr. Srinivasan, Since the tubes are already in service for 9 years, don't you think it is advisable to carry out detailed metallographic examination by retiring one or two tubes from service in addition to what you have suggested? Regards, Kochappan.
New Post
11/5/2005 9:00 AM
Dear Kochappan Tubes are in hydrogen furnace service which normally operate 50 oc lower than ammonia reformer furnace tubes. Second HP N 6 can take a little abuse with higher degree of operation (+50-80 o C than steam naphtha reformer tubes). We do not know the history of failures and replacements done in 9 years by the plant user. Without details on these, retiring a tube for metallographic examination alone may not be an ideal suggestion from evaluation of remaining life or assessment of creep related damages. Once a full N.D.T is done (by Ian Haynes and his group) they would get a clear picture.. Then the plant user can take a decision to retire the borderline tubes for metallurgical tests with premature retirement. I would suggest that a prior N.D.T evaluation followed by in-situ metallography of local hot spot areas or high creep fissure areas or retire one tube for detailed laboratory metallurgical evaluation including stress-rupture tests for assessing the remaining life. Trust this is of help to you C.V.Srinivasan Nishi Engineers Pvt Ltd India Nov 05 >Dear Mr. Srinivasan, >Since the tubes are already in service for 9 years, don't >you think it is advisable to carry out detailed >metallographic examination by retiring one or two tubes from >service in addition to what you have suggested? >Regards, >Kochappan.
New Post
11/9/2005 9:00 AM
I want to thank you all for your valuable advise with regards to the "Best Practice" for inspection of the Reformer Heater tubes. Unfortunately, yesterday 2005-11-08 one of the tubes on the east cell ruptured from what appears to be a vertical through wall crack approximately five feet up the tube from the bottom and approx.12 inches in length. I have not yet been able to enter the heater but the excessive heat has damaged the external steel panel of the heater. Management are contemplating completely retubing the heater in 2006, but the earliest delivery for the tubes from a supplier in Germany is one year. What is your opinion on this delivery time ? Are there any other reliable suppliers that can produce these tubes (120) off in a shorter time ? Is this the best replacement material or is there better on the world market ? Thanks in Advance for your repiles. Ian Haynes Senior Inspector Trinidad & Tobago.
New Post
11/9/2005 9:00 AM
I would suggest you to consult your heater constructor/licensor, maybe through their procurement they will have the capacity to contact other tube builders with short time deliveries. Regards Luis Marques
New Post
11/9/2005 9:00 AM
Ian You can contact Nitin Castings Ltd Thane Mumbai India. Contact person: Mr T.R.V Kochappan whio is on this forum discussion in the same topic. I do not off hand remember the telephone and e-mail addresses of Nitin Castings Ltd. You can get this info in web site. He will be able to help you if Nitin can supply your tubes in this time frame. Commercial and tehchnical specification you can correspond on e-mail on Nitin casing web site Trust this is of help to you C.V.Srinivasan Nishi Engineers Pvt Ltd India Nov 10 E-mail: nishi >I want to thank you all for your valuable advise with >regards to the "Best Practice" for inspection of the >Reformer Heater tubes. > >Unfortunately, yesterday 2005-11-08 one of the tubes on the >east cell ruptured from what appears to be a vertical >through wall crack approximately five feet up the tube from >the bottom and approx.12 inches in length. > >I have not yet been able to enter the heater but the >excessive heat has damaged the external steel panel of the >heater. > >Management are contemplating completely retubing the heater >in 2006, but the earliest delivery for the tubes from a >supplier in Germany is one year. > >What is your opinion on this delivery time ? Are there any >other reliable suppliers that can produce these tubes (120) >off in a shorter time ? Is this the best replacement >material or is there better on the world market ? > >Thanks in Advance for your repiles. > >Ian Haynes >Senior Inspector >Trinidad & Tobago.
HomeHomeDiscussionsDiscussionsOil Refinery Co...Oil Refinery Co...Inspection of ASTM A608-HP  N6 Reformer Tubes.Inspection of ASTM A608-HP N6 Reformer Tubes.



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